Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Video: Sci-Fi movie 'Welcome To Yesterday' trailer hollywoodtone.blogspot.com

Written By ADMIN; About: Video: Sci-Fi movie 'Welcome To Yesterday' trailer hollywoodtone.blogspot.com on Tuesday, December 31, 2013

hollywoodtone.blogspot.com Video: Sci-Fi movie 'Welcome To Yesterday' trailer
Michael Bay entertains the story plot of time-travel in his upcoming Spring 2014 film called "Welcome to Yesterday." A trailer is available for viewing.

The concept of time travel always remains a novel idea for any science-fiction or fantasy movie; but, it all depends on how the story can be spun and how well the movie is written and directed. “Welcome To Yesterday,” an upcoming 2014 science-fiction movie produced by Michael Bay (the same guy behind the film adaptations of “Transformers”), is one such movie that explores the concept of time travel. A trailer is currently available for viewing. Welcome To Yesterday will hit theaters on February 28, 2014. From what the trailer shows, Welcome To Yesterday somewhat uses the same story formula as the “Butterfly Effect” movie series. But, there are big differences between the two stories when it comes to time travel with Welcome To Yesterday using a device and Butterfly Effect using people that have the natural ability to time-travel. In Welcome To Yesterday, a group of friends learn about the secret to time-travel due seeing a mysterious figure on an old birthday video. They discover the actual time-travel device in the basement of one of their father's. By taking apart electronic devices, like an Xbox 360, they manage to travel back into time. At first, it's all fun and games; but, they learn about the consequences about their actions. Some want to go back into time and undo the damage they have caused; but, others feel differently and ask why they sould sacrifice their future happiness for the sake of other people or having reservations on the though they'd be doing more harm than good. While it has the same formula as The Butterfly Effect, Welcome To Yesterday as the moral dilemma that splits the group apart due to their different views on the situation.

hollywoodtone.blogspot.com Video: Sci-Fi movie 'Welcome To Yesterday' trailer