Monday, December 30, 2013

Company offers new approach to the organic and GMO labeling issue

Written By ADMIN; About: Company offers new approach to the organic and GMO labeling issue on Monday, December 30, 2013 Company offers new approach to the organic and GMO labeling Company offers new approach to the organic and GMO labeling issue

By Justin King.

As legislative and legal battles rage all over the world in the fight over whether Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) should be labeled, a company in the United States attempts to offer a solution that circumvents big business lobbying efforts.

As the agricultural industry giants spend money on lobbying efforts, successfully avoiding GMO labeling at the federal level, Lynnette Pate offers a solution for companies that are proud of their anti-GMO, organic, and fair trade stances. Rather than attempting to push through state legislation similar to the new Connecticut law requiring GMO labeling, she hopes to simply identify products that are made to standards that are important to consumers that attempt to be socially responsible while they shop. Even as some Senators pressure the President to direct the FDA to require GMO labeling, Pate points out that GMO-free does not necessarily mean toxin free.

Lynette Pate


The interview So what exactly does the Pure Integrity Verified seal mean? The Pure Integrity Verified seal of approval means pure, integrity, quality and above and beyond organic ingredients without toxins or ingredients that become toxic when mixed with certain components. The Pure Integrity Verified seal means the product was made with Love, Purity, and Integrity. The seal means never compromising with industry standards. These products are sure to be free from GMO's and MSG’s. If the product is a supplement in vitamin form, then the supplement will be raw organic whole foods without added fillers or soy lecithin. Our strict standards are for everyone's best health in mind. If we do find out a company has sold out or started using toxic ingredients, the seal of recommendation is sure to be pulled quickly! Just because a product is GMO free does not mean it is toxic / chemical free or even organic. Just because it is paraben free does not mean it is non-toxic. The best is always to make your own products, but we know everyone will not or cannot do. So recognizing this seal is assurance of purity and love. Live happy. Be pure! Shouldn’t governments already doing this? Yes, the government should already be doing this. However, with flawed government and organizations such as the USDA and others, we are seeing many fallacies in the seals of “Trust.” For instance, the USDA Organic Certification seal requires only 95% organic ingredients in order for a product to be deemed ‘organic’. The 5% can taint and poison the entire batch. With the Pure Integrity Verified seal of approval, there are no compromises. We believe in all or nothing! We believe in toxic free products. So what prompted you to step up a system that by all logic, government entities should be doing? After being on the road with Fuel for the Body Bicycle T.O.U.R.s all across the nation since April of 2011, we saw the great need to come up with a way that the ‘lay’ person and public can be assured of toxic free products. I have spoken in colleges, high schools, elementary schools and random events in which are not health or organic related. I strive to reach the nation who has no clue of who Monsanto is or what a GMO is much less why it’s important to be organic. After speaking to and with the public from the East coast to the West coast and North and South, I have come to realize that there is much need to educate. This is just what we do on the T.O.U.R.s. Educate the lay person. Then we ask questions and gather their feedback. Understanding that we may have too many labels, and some are just label crazy…we feel that instead of putting yet another label on a product that only specifies that a product has NO GMO, or a product is Gluten free, it is important to have companies to come clean. This is not just a ‘logo’ or ‘label’, the Pure Integrity Verified seal of approval is a trust factor based on my high and strict standards of how our food supply should be. I have built a great reputation across the nation in which people know: if I do not eat it, then it must not be pure and clean. This seal of approval is intended to let the world know that the entire company is free of toxins and using as sustainable practices as possible. Just because a product is Non GMO, or Gluten Free, does not mean it is toxic free. And it goes beyond GMOs to show that product is ethically sourced and the company uses fair trade practices. What exactly does that mean? Correct. We want to know where each ingredient is sourced from. Do they pay the farmers a fair price for the ingredients they use in their product? Or do they know where the company they order their ingredients from gets or grows the ingredients? Above and beyond organic is the key. Fair trade does not infringe on the American public’s work here. As some ingredients cannot be grown in the USA or are not grown in the USA, therefore, it is necessary to go abroad to get the ingredients. Plus, this PIV seal is worldwide, not just for the USA products. We want a toxic free planet! How many companies have you certified so far? We just released the PIV seal to the public in September 28, 2013 at the Baltimore, Maryland natural products health expo. We have many companies calling us and wanting the certification and we are steadily working on proper interviews and tours. We have certified so far, 7 companies (which will be released in mid 2014). We have interviewed many companies. We have felt sad that some did not qualify due to one or 2 products not being organic, but the entire company has Pure Integrity and strives to have the best products available to the public. So these companies are now re-evaluating their products to gain the PIV seal. As we state, it is “All or Nothing!” Now there is a fee the company has to pay to be certified. So can a company just buy the approval? I guess what I’m getting at is what kind of steps are taken to by the company to demonstrate their product? The fee is more like compensation for us to travel to said company’s facility and meet the owners in person. To do the paper work and research it takes to know the sources. No, the PIV seal can not be bought. You cannot pay us any amount of money for us to do a half-assed job and get the seal. This is an earned seal. The fees you may be referring to down in the PIV package are ones of Ambassadorship, spoke- person, and advertising for a company in different levels. Actually a company can be qualified for very minimal amount per year. Never do we charge a percentage of any products sold with our seal. We are not a non-profit nor do we claim to be. We simply do a job and research and that requires compensation. I have very strict standards, however, there are many companies adhering already to these standards and have been doing this for years. So we believe all companies can do the same. As mentioned, our goal is to have a toxic free planet and great health for all human beings. What benefits does a company get out of obtaining the seal? The benefits a company will have are simple yet loud and clear that they are a True and Pure Integrity company as a whole. They can declare their entire product line Pure Integrity Verified when they qualify. They can proudly showcase this unique seal that is now being recognized by the public who has no clue what to do or what to buy. They also get us promoting their company and shouting to the world that they are a toxic free company and for all the world to shop with them. Depending on the level of Ambassadorship, will depend on how I carry a company’s name with me on T.O.U.R.s , seminars, and events. What are the benefits to the consumer? And do you think there are many consumers who will be looking for the seal in the future? The benefits to the consumer are: Shopping confidently knowing they can purchase any product from a company whether it be online or at a health store. The consumer will know that company has been researched for the sources of ingredients and they have passed our strict standards in which are posted on the information sheets for public to see. The consumer will not need to read labels as we have deemed all ingredients toxic free and healthy! Not that you do not need to read labels, but there will be no hidden ingredients as we have researched the Certificate of Analysis. The USDA does not require disclosure of some ingredients if there are very small traces of the ingredient. The consumer already knows something is not right with our food supply. They are looking for answers. However, they are misled by the other ‘seals’. They think that if they buy products with the non- GMO seal and the Gluten Free seal and the USDA Organic Seal, then they are buying perfectly safe products. This is not the case at all. This is why we have been traveling the nation and Mexico; to educate them on what is going on in our food industry. Yes, there are many consumers aware now that this PIV seal will be the one to look for in the future. Do you want to plug your book while we’re talking? Sure! I am the author of Fuel for the Body. This book is a no nonsense approach to fueling your body with proper nutrition. Again, I teach the ‘lay’ person why they should eat all organic and the importance of supporting local and organic farmers. I have 14 chapters in my book. From the meat industry to salt, sugar, dairy, exercise and the famous Chapter 7! Chapter 7 gives the consumer a jump start on how to change their life without giving up the good stuff. I also have a skin care chapter. Fuel for the Body is a must read and one of the best sellers in the natural health world. Reaching from the west coast to the east coast and north and south, plus five different countries, you need this book for your health library. It will be rereleased by my publisher, Tate Publishing on February 1, 2014. The older version is available on my website: . Check out the “What Others Are Saying” tab to find out more and read the introduction to the book on my site. Is there anything else you want to tell the readers? Yes. My mission is a pure labor of love and an effort to clean our health up. You know Thomas Jefferson’s saying, “When you control the food supply….you control the people.” Well this is so very true as the best way to a ‘man’s ‘heart is through his stomach. We have been deceived. I uncover the truths. I believe in a solution. I bring the positive to the table. We have too much negative in the world. If we focus on the positive, the together we will make a difference for the best of the planet. “A sick nation will surely fall, but a healthy nation will rise above all”! L. Marie. Live happy. Be Pure!
