Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Spanish petitions: Give us a black King Balthazar this year hollywoodtone.blogspot.com

Written By ADMIN; About: Spanish petitions: Give us a black King Balthazar this year hollywoodtone.blogspot.com on Tuesday, December 31, 2013

hollywoodtone.blogspot.com Spanish petitions: Give us a black King Balthazar this year
The highlight of the festive season in Spain is the festival of the Three Kings, one of whom is King Balthazar, a black king. In recent years he has been appearing as a painted white person and residents are demanding that the status quo be returned.

Several Spanish cities and towns have launched multiple petitions to ensure that a "real black man" is employed to play the part on January 5th during the traditional Christmas parades. No more white people painting their faces black, they want the real thing. Europa Press (in Spanish) quotes Miguel Calabria, the person in charge of the Madrid campaign: "It makes no sense in this day and age that King Balthazar is played by a white gentleman." "Fortunately, with all the diversity that now exists in our society, it’s neither necessary nor logical." Another petition reads: "Our children aren't stupid, they notice that Balthazar’s face is painted black and they don't understand." The Pamplona petition (Spanish language) displays a photo, which gives you an idea what they mean:
Thousands of Spaniards are demanding a real black King Balthazar this year in the Three Kings proces...


Thousands of Spaniards are demanding a real black King Balthazar this year in the Three Kings processions.


The cities in which similar petitions have been launched include Llobregat, Madrid, Málaga, Pamplona, Tudela and Villena. Happening on the eve of the festival of the Three Kings (or Epiphany), when Spanish children get most of their presents each year, the traditional parade is held in most cities and towns throughout Spain. Known as the Cabalgata de Reyes Magos (in Spanish), the parade winds through the streets of the town, while sweets are thrown to the happy children of the area. The video below shows the parade in Málaga city on January 5, 2013:

hollywoodtone.blogspot.com Spanish petitions: Give us a black King Balthazar this year