Monday, December 30, 2013

New law bans Chinese officials from smoking in public

Written By ADMIN; About: New law bans Chinese officials from smoking in public on Monday, December 30, 2013 New law bans Chinese officials from smoking in public
Beijing - China has now enacted an ordinance that bans government officials from smoking cigarettes in public places. Officials hope to eventually ban smoking in public places for all citizens.

The Associated Press (via ABC News) reports that the law also forbids government officials to smoke or offer cigarettes while performing any type of official duties. Cigarettes also cannot be sold at government or Communist Party facilities. It is still unclear what the penalties will be for anyone who breaks the new anti-smoking law, according to the BBC. The New Zealand Herald reports that out of the country's 1.35 billion people, roughly 300 million are smokers. New law bans Chinese officials from smoking in public