Saturday, February 8, 2014

Want to burn fat? Shivering is as good as working out

Written By ADMIN; About: Want to burn fat? Shivering is as good as working out on Saturday, February 8, 2014 Want to burn fat? Shivering is as good as working out
Working out and shivering in the cold both help slow down brown fat production by altering body biochemistry, according to a new research study.

A new study, reported on by The Daily Telegraph, shows that shivering elicits benefits similar to exercise. Researchers found that shivering in the cold releases a hormone in humans called irisin. The hormeone helps fat cells burn energy, by converting white fat cells to calorie-burning brown fat cells. This finding is based on a study where volunteers, who shivered in chilly temperatures for just 10 to 15 minutes, produced the same amount of irisin when compared with people who undertook an hour of moderate exercise. Francesco Celi, the lead author of the study and an endocrinologist at Virginia Commonwealth University, told Live Science that "With shivering, we obtained a similar increase in irisin level as maximum exercise, or one hour of exercise, but the timing was much shorter and the amount of energy expenditure was lower than these two types of exercise." The findings have been reported in the journal Cell Metabolism. The research paper is titled "Irisin and FGF21 Are Cold-Induced Endocrine Activators of Brown Fat Function in Humans". Want to burn fat? Shivering is as good as working out