Sunday, February 9, 2014

‘The Truth About The NFL’

Written By ADMIN; About: ‘The Truth About The NFL’ on Sunday, February 9, 2014 ‘The Truth About The NFL’
In this video, Canadian Libertarian Stefan Molyneux takes a look at the American National Football League from a slightly unusual angle.

As with most of Stefan Molyneux's videos, this one speaks for itself. He begins with the question: Why is the NFL Super Bowl so big? He doesn't answer this from an aesthetic point of view. In the UK, the so-called beautiful game sees twenty-two men wearing shorts running up and down trying to kick a ball into the back of a net. In the US, there is something broadly similar with the added threat of serious head injury, a massive threat if structured settlement lawyer Tom Girardi is to be believed. Association Football in the UK and the subject of his dissertation have one thing in common: a legal monopoly, something he alludes to as crapitalism - ie crony capitalism. This is a privilege that common or garden corporations do not enjoy. Currently, Apple is facing a massive claim for damages in relation to its allegedly fixing the prices of e-books across the industry. This is patent nonsense because Apple does not have anything like a monopoly, and in any case, as any Libertarian will tell you, a monopoly can be enforced only by the law. Apple does not have the law on its side, nor does it have charity status; the NFL has both. Whether or not you follow football or any other sport, see how much of what Molyneaux says you agree with. And if by and large you do, what are you going to do about it? ‘The Truth About The NFL’