Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sweden invites Norway for cheaper Big Macs with border billboard

Written By ADMIN; About: Sweden invites Norway for cheaper Big Macs with border billboard on Sunday, February 9, 2014 Sweden invites Norway for cheaper Big Macs with border billboard
Stockholm - Norway is a prosperous country with a great economy. The only problem is high prices for food, including McDonald's ubiquitous "Big Mac", selling for one-third more than it does in Sweden. A video and billboard tempts Norwegians to a cross-border deal.

Apparently because of high food prices, as well as the high cost of tobacco and alcohol, the Swedish are very welcoming to their Norwegian neighbors, who regularly cross the line to buy their groceries. Now DDB, the advertising agency representing McDonald's in Sweden, has been involved in an ad campaign to aid the Swedish side of the meaty debate. What they did was to erect a huge billboard (pictured above left and below), which literally straddles the border from Norway to Sweden. Located at the border at Bergerud, this is the main crossing point between Oslo and Stockholm. In fact the absolutely ideal spot to catch the Norwegian eye. Not only does the image on the billboard look tasty, however, it also points out clearly the difference in price between the same product in both Norway and Sweden. What the sign says is that a Big Mac meal in Norway costs the equivalent of 93 Swedish kronor ($14.3), whereas in Sweden it knocks you back a mere 59 Swedish kronor ($9.90). It seems that, in fact, Big Macs in Norway are the most expensive in the world, while Sweden's equivalent are only the fourth most expensive.
Advertising agency DDB compares food alcohol and tobacco prices between Norway and Sweden.

Video screengrab

Advertising agency DDB compares food, alcohol and tobacco prices between Norway and Sweden.


The billboard was accompanied by an online video, which is included above, and shows a direct comparison in prices between the two countries (pictured right), as well as the following commentary: "We Swedes quite happily welcome our bargain-hunting neighbors, with open arms and a broad smile." "In McDonald's case we did it with a billboard that itself crossed the border and which welcomed everyone to Sweden: half the billboard stood on Norwegian soil, the other half on Swedish, where the same product is a little more affordable." While some consider McDonald's food not the healthiest choice, at least the Norwegians can now be tempted to spend one-third less money on it.
Billboard straddling the Norway/Sweden border advertising the fact that Swedish Big Mac s are cheape...

Video screengrab

Billboard straddling the Norway/Sweden border advertising the fact that Swedish Big Mac's are cheaper.

image:171651:0::0 Sweden invites Norway for cheaper Big Macs with border billboard