Saturday, February 8, 2014

Child-sex prostitution looms over 2014 Brazil World Cup

Written By ADMIN; About: Child-sex prostitution looms over 2014 Brazil World Cup on Saturday, February 8, 2014 Child-sex prostitution looms over 2014 Brazil World Cup
Rio De Janeiro - The FIFA World Cup from June 2014 would turn Brazilian cities into hubs for tourism and travel. Reportedly, what would follow is the import of sex workers and possible exploitation of children to service the huge influx of football fans and tourists.

To prevent sexual exploitation of underage children, footballers and NGOs are coordinating on an initiative to alert people about the legal consequences of seeking underage prostitutes. Reportedly, the campaign has the support of law enforcement agencies in the United Kingdom and Brazil, as well as prominent international footballers. Warning messages would also be flashed in big screens during football games in Brazil. According to Al Jazeera, the UK-based Happy Child organisation launched the "It's A Penalty" campaign to warn football fans visiting Brazil of possible prosecution if they are caught soliciting sex from underage children. At least 12 Brazilian cities would host the World Cup in June and July. Organizers expect nearly 600,000 foreign visitors and about 3 million Brazilian fans to attend the World Cup. Anticipating an uptick in football fans purchasing sex, the tourism industry in Brazil is already gearing up to service local and international clients. The legal age for prostitution in Brazil is 18, but thousands of children are already neck-deep in the abhorrent trade. According to a Sky News report, “Children as young as 12 are selling themselves for sex for as little as 80p in one of Brazil's World Cup cities.” The footage compiled by Sky News narrates the story of a 12-year-old who said she would go with men to their homes, motels or even to the local swamp for sex. The city of Fortaleza, which will host six games of the World Cup, has a large impoverished population where sexual exploitation of children is common. Media outlets are reporting on the possibility of criminal gangs manipulating the appearances of these children and using them to service clients. Brazilian authorities are trying to keeping gangs, drug traffickers and prostitution rings under close watch. But the clandestine trade happens in collusion with the mafia, hotel managers and taxi drivers. According to a report by Scelles Foundation which fights sex trade, “42 million people prostitute themselves in the world today, the majority (75 %) of women between 13 and 25 years.” The report identifies major events like the World Cup Soccer and the Olympics contributing to prostitution. Criminal networks use these events to increase the supply of prostitutes. The Internet also facilities and expands the business of prostitution worldwide as it becomes easier for pimps to recruit sex workers and entice customers through websites and social networks. Child-sex prostitution looms over 2014 Brazil World Cup